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The Benefits Of Visiting A Podiatrist

Find out what our podiatrists can do for you and your foot health.

Whether a foot or ankle injury or problem has already occurred, or you’re simply looking for ways to prevent problems from happening, you may be interested in turning to our Butte and Bozeman, MT, podiatrists Dr. Dallin Greene and Dr. Nathan Judd for care. Here at Big Sky Foot and Ankle Institute, we provide a full range of foot and ankle care to patients of all ages.

Detect Foot Problems Early

One of the benefits of turning to our Bozeman, MT, podiatrists for care is that we can easily detect foot injuries and problems that maybe you haven’t even noticed, whether this is an ingrown toenail, plantar wart or a developing bunion or hammertoe. By catching these problems early, we can provide you with the specialized care you need to get these problems under control and to prevent progressive conditions such as deformities from getting worse.

Treat Foot and Ankle Problems

Our podiatrists are specialists, so we have more extensive knowledge and can provide more extensive care for foot and ankle problems than primary care doctors or your regular physician. We understand the complex inner workings of the foot and ankle, from the tendons and ligaments to the muscles, nerves and bones, and can provide you with the best treatment options.

Analyze Your Gait

How our feet strike the ground when we walk and run is important to the overall function and health of our feet and ankles. By analyzing your gait we analyze how the muscles, ligaments and joints move and work together to pinpoint problem areas in the feet, ankles, legs, hips and even lower back. After all, when one area is tight or isn’t functioning properly other areas have to work harder, which can lead to foot and ankle problems.

Provide Healthy Recommendations

From preventing toenail fungus to determining whether you could benefit from custom orthotics, our podiatry team loves to provide you with advice and tips for how to keep your feet and ankles healthy. If you have questions about caring for your feet and ankles, we are here to help.

Prevent Foot Injuries

Another benefit to turning to our podiatrists is that we can educate you on the do’s and don’ts for foot and ankle health to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. If you are an athlete, overweight or have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be more at risk for foot injuries, and it’s important that you turn to our Bozeman, MT, podiatrists for preventive options.

Are you interested in scheduling an appointment with our Butte and Bozeman, MT, podiatrists? If so, all you have to do is call Big Sky Foot and Ankle Institute at (406) 782-2278.